Who, or what, is Titus Savage?

Titus Savage emerged from the adolescent swamps of academic endeavour as editor of school and university satirical magazines, posting massive profits to fund a party lifestyle (and to placate those ridiculed).

Titus Savage is the Hyde-like alter ego that inhabits the dark domain of caricature, stripping away the veneer of society - an exorcism for the mediocrity of detached sociopath leaders, incompetent bureaucrats, celebs and other media-jockeys in a mad world.   .......And having a laugh.

From an early age, I was tutored by my grandmother, who studied at the Royal College of Art and was a contemporary of Barbara Hepworth and Henry Moore.   I acquired a passion for portraiture and life drawing.  Portraiture led me to caricature, where I admired those who captured a likeness and character with minimum of line.  Growing up to love Ronald Searle, Felix Topolski, Gerald Scarfe, Ralph Steadman and Steve Bell, I took an interest in the classics too such as Gillray & Hogarth. 

Having been prolific at school and university with art and theatre, with ambitions of theatre set design, I ended up as a chemical engineer in the water and energy fields, with much time spent in East Asia.  Always torn between art and science in a polarised world with pigeon-holed roles.  My grandfather being a true inventor engineer was the vision of what I perceived engineering to be - a creative endeavour harnessing science for the benefit of society.  Sadly, the modern risk adverse process-driven corporate world often inhibits innovation and personality at its own cost.

At last, freed from the Sisyphean corporate yoke, Titus Savage breaks out to mock this bewildered world.  

I am currently undertaking a number of cartoon and illustration commissions - as well as participating in a number of business start-ups.